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online latest version new X-Plane 10 Flight Simulator







Creator Laminar Research
Device iphone
size 996,6 mB
critique THIS GAME IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do have some feedback though, first, it needs more places, like on the US east coast, San Francisco, and many others since currently there are only 5, also please expand the maps, second, I say more aircraft are needed (I would really like if you add a DC-10, or Boeing 727, I would also like if you add a large propeller Plane), and they need to be much cheaper, so far I’ve spent over $20 or maybe more on just planes, third, water physics need to be added, right now it is just hard ground, and finally, I would really, really love it if this game allowed you to customize your planes with a custom paint job you can save (I understand if this is impossible with crash physics, etc. but I think many others would love this feature even if it costs a few dollars), and use over and over again, and it never is deleted as long as the paint job isn’t deleted. Thanks so much, and good luck to the developers on improving this in the future. :)
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